In a tragic and shocking event in Gujranwala, Pakistan, two young Girls Burn Their Father to death, aged 12 and 15 after enduring years of alleged sexual abuse.
The incident has brought attention to the pressing issue of child safety and abuse within families, igniting discussions about the importance of safeguarding vulnerable individuals.
Girls Burn Their Father
The incident occurred on Monday in Mughal Chowk, Gujranwala, approximately 80 kilometers from Lahore. Ali Akbar, 48, had three marriages and was the father of 10 children. While his first wife had passed away, his two remaining wives and their children lived together in a rented house.
According to the police, the two girls waited until their father was asleep before pouring petrol on him and setting him on fire. Ali Akbar suffered severe burns and was taken to a hospital, where he later succumbed to his injuries.
In their statements to the police, the girls accused their father of subjecting them to sexual abuse, explaining that this led them to take such a drastic step.
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This case underscores the pervasive issue of child abuse, which often remains hidden within the confines of homes due to societal stigma, fear, or lack of access to support systems. In Pakistan, cases of abuse frequently go unreported, leaving victims without avenues for justice or protection.
Police said that Ali Akbar, 48, had contracted three marriages and had 10 children from them. While Akbar’s first wife had passed away, the remaining two wives and the children were living in a rented house.
According to the police, when Akbar was asleep on Monday, his 12 and 15-year-old daughters sprinkled petrol and set him on fire. He suffered severe burns and was shifted to a hospital, where he succumbed to his wounds.
Both girls were taken into custody and in their statements to police, said their father would sexually assult them.
“We both planned to kill our father for sexually assaulting us. We took petrol from his (bike) and sprinkled it on him before setting him on fire,” they said.
The police also said they were recording statements from the deceased’s two wives before registering a murder case.
The Gujranwala case serves as a painful reminder of the consequences of silence around abuse. It also raises questions about the role of society, law enforcement, and families in preventing such incidents and ensuring justice for survivors.
Breaking the Silence and Building Support
Addressing child abuse requires a multifaceted approach. Families must prioritize open communication, ensuring children feel safe to share their experiences. Schools and community organizations can play a pivotal role in educating children about their rights and providing them with resources to seek help.
Law enforcement agencies and the judicial system must also act promptly and sensitively in handling cases of abuse. Ensuring swift justice and providing counseling and rehabilitation services to survivors are crucial steps in breaking the cycle of abuse.
This tragic incident should prompt deep reflection on societal attitudes toward abuse and the stigma surrounding reporting it. Public awareness campaigns, community support programs, and legislative reforms can collectively work toward creating a safer environment for children.
let’s enjoy few years on earth with peace and happiness….✍🏼🙏