Gray Wolves Make Historic Comeback in California After 100 Years

Gray wolves

Gray wolves are making a remarkable return to California, with 30 wolf pups born this spring, marking the largest population growth in over a century. Their numbers have more than doubled since 2022, thanks to federal and state protection. While conservationists celebrate this resurgence, local ranchers are concerned about livestock losses, sparking debate over how … Read more

California can ban guns in parks, bars, but not in hospitals: Supreme Court

California can ban guns

California can ban guns in various public venues, including parks, playgrounds, and bars, but it faces limitations when it comes to prohibiting firearms in places like hospitals and banks. This was the ruling delivered by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, a decision that highlights the complexities and contradictions of current … Read more

Half of House Goes for Sale for $499,999 in California

Half of house goes for sale

Half of house goes for sale in Southern California for a price tag of $499,999, attracting buyers intrigued by its unique backstory. This 645-square-foot one-bedroom, one-bathroom bungalow, located in suburban Monrovia, northeast of Los Angeles, is grabbing attention for its unusual offering. Built in 1921, the home was hit by a gigantic pine tree in … Read more